Telegram, the popular messaging platform, has expanded its user base to a staggering 950 million by leveraging the growing popularity of Web3 games. In 2024, Telegram introduced a series of blockchain-based mini-games that offer token rewards, sparking significant interest among its users. Built on the TON Blockchain, these games have captivated Telegram’s audience, with 20% of users actively engaging in gaming activities as of August.
Notcoin: The Game That Changed Everything
The launch of Notcoin at the beginning of 2024 marked a turning point for the TON ecosystem. The game’s overwhelming success was bolstered by a massive AirDrop, distributing 80 billion NOT tokens worth $1 billion in May.
Martin Masser, Business Development Manager at Ston.Fi, described Notcoin as a game-changer in the industry. “Notcoin has set a new roadmap for Web3 gaming,” Masser stated. However, he also emphasized the need for sustainable gaming models, warning that short-term successes might not lead to lasting impact.
The Growth of TON Blockchain
Following Notcoin’s success, Telegram released additional games like Hamster Kombat, Yescoin, and Catizen. While these titles didn’t achieve the same level of success as Notcoin, they contributed significantly to the growth of the TON Blockchain.
The number of accounts on the TON network skyrocketed from 4 million to 128 million in just one year. Toncoin, the native asset of the TON network, more than doubled in value, reaching a market capitalization of $14 billion.
Telegram’s Role in Expanding Web3
Notcoin’s triumph made it easier for Telegram users to seamlessly create wallets while playing games, introducing broader audiences to the Web3 ecosystem. This simplified onboarding process has positioned Telegram as a gateway for mass adoption of blockchain technologies.
Looking ahead, mid-core games are predicted to deliver long-term success. These strategy-driven games offer a more immersive experience, potentially attracting users seeking depth and engagement. As the Web3 gaming landscape evolves, platforms like Telegram are expected to play a pivotal role in shaping the industry’s future.
Dey There will continue to provide updates on the latest developments in Web3 gaming, keeping readers informed about the innovations shaping this dynamic space.