Australian Man Sentenced to Prison After Receiving $6.8M in Crypto Error

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Ever wondered how a simple mistake can have life-altering consequences? Jatinder Singh, a 39-year-old Australian man, learned this the hard way after a seemingly routine transaction spiralled into a legal nightmare that ended with him behind bars.

A Costly Mistake

The story begins in May 2021 when Singh attempted to deposit a modest $100 into his account. Like many of us, he likely expected nothing more than a quick and uneventful transaction. However, what followed was anything but ordinary.

Due to a discrepancy between the name on Singh’s account and the bank account managed by his partner, Thevamanogari Manivel, the deposit was rejected. This is where the story takes a dramatic turn. Instead of processing a simple refund, a local staff member at made a grave error, sending Singh AUD 10.5 million—approximately $6.8 million—rather than the intended $100.

A Spending Spree Gone Wrong

Believing the multimillion-dollar deposit to be a legitimate payout, Singh and Manivel wasted no time in putting the money to use. They transferred the funds to a joint account and embarked on a spending spree that would raise eyebrows anywhere. Among their purchases were two properties in Melbourne, which they paid for in full, and a collection of luxury goods that would make anyone envious. But the couple didn’t stop there. They also moved AUD 4 million to an offshore account in Malaysia, presumably as a safety net in case the windfall turned out to be too good to be true.

Australian Man Sentenced to Prison After Receiving $6.8 Million in Crypto Error
Australian Man Sentenced to Prison After Receiving $6.8 Million in Crypto Error, one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges, eventually caught wind of the mistake—though it took them a full seven months to do so. By that time, the damage had been done, and the company was left scrambling to recover the funds. Despite multiple attempts to contact the couple through both the exchange and the Commonwealth Bank, Singh and Manivel initially brushed off the outreach as nothing more than a scam.

The Long Arm of the Law

As is often the case, the law caught up with the couple. In March 2022, just as Manivel was preparing to board a flight to Malaysia, authorities arrested her. Singh was apprehended shortly after, marking the beginning of a legal saga that would ultimately lead to prison sentences and public shame.

During the trial, Singh’s attorney argued that his client had acknowledged the money was not his and requested leniency, pointing to Singh’s extended pre-sentencing incarceration as a mitigating factor. However, the prosecution had a different perspective. They highlighted Singh’s decision to move a significant portion of the funds overseas as evidence of criminal intent.

The presiding judge faced the difficult task of balancing these two narratives. While the court acknowledged that Singh may not have acted out of malice, his actions were nonetheless deemed criminal. As a result, Singh was sentenced to three years in prison for theft—a sentence that reflects the gravity of his actions, even if they stemmed from an unexpected windfall. Manivel, for her part, received an 18-month community corrections order, a sentence that underscores the seriousness of their actions while acknowledging her lesser role in the saga.

Australian Man Sentenced to Prison After Receiving $6.8 Million in Crypto Error
Australian Man Sentenced to Prison After Receiving $6.8 Million in Crypto Error

A Lesson in Digital Responsibility remains committed to pursuing the recovery of the funds mistakenly transferred to the couple. Nonetheless, Singh’s case is not merely about a financial mistake; it highlights the importance of the decisions made when confronted with unexpected opportunities. The temptation of sudden wealth can be powerful, but it’s essential to uphold values such as integrity and honesty. For Singh, the cost of losing sight of these principles was three years in prison—a costly lesson in every respect.

Emiliano Trejo

Emiliano Trejo has spent the last 9 years immersed in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, becoming a prominent figure in the industry. With a background in economics and a keen interest in decentralized systems, Emiliano has contributed to several groundbreaking projects, including the development of blockchain-based financial products and services. His expertise lies in the intersection of blockchain technology and economic models, where he excels in creating innovative solutions that leverage the benefits of decentralization. At DT NEWS, Emiliano shares his deep knowledge of the global cryptocurrency market, offering insights that help readers understand both the technical and economic implications of blockchain innovations.

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