Iran Offers $20 Rewards for Reporting Shady Crypto Miners Amid Power Crisis

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Iran is facing serious power problems and is now offering cash rewards to people who report illegal crypto miners. The country is dealing with major blackouts and high electricity use, with some areas experiencing the worst outages in 50 years. By encouraging the public to report these activities, the government hopes to reduce the strain on the power grid and improve the situation.

According to Iran International report, the Iranian government has introduced these rewards as part of a larger effort to crack down on illegal crypto mining activities. These activities have become widespread, largely because of the cheap electricity available in Iran. However, the unregulated use of electricity by these miners is significantly disrupting the country’s power supply, leading to blackouts and affecting the industrial output.

Impact of the Power Crisis on Iran

Iran is currently facing one of its worst power shortages in recent memory. The extreme temperatures have caused a surge in electricity consumption, pushing the country’s power infrastructure to its limits. Officials are deeply concerned about the impact of these shortages on daily life and the economy.

Mostafa Rajabi Mashhadi, head of Iran’s state electricity company, Tavanir, has highlighted the critical role that unauthorized crypto mining plays in this crisis. He explained that many individuals and groups are taking advantage of Iran’s subsidized electricity to power their crypto mining operations without proper authorization. This illegal activity has led to a sharp increase in electricity consumption, placing additional stress on an already overburdened power grid.

“Opportunistic individuals have been exploiting subsidized electricity and public networks to mine cryptocurrencies without proper authorization. This unauthorized mining has led to an abnormal surge in electricity consumption, causing significant disruptions and problems within the country’s power grid.” said Mashhadi.

The Scale of Illegal Crypto Mining in Iran

The problem of illegal crypto mining in Iran is far-reaching. Mashhadi revealed that authorities have identified more than 230,000 illegal mining devices across the country. These devices are estimated to consume between 800 to 900 MW of electricity, a significant amount that could power a whole province. To give a sense of scale, this level of electricity consumption is equivalent to that of the entire Markazi Province in Iran, which would normally require a 1,300-MW power plant to support.

The Iranian government’s decision to offer $20 for each reported illegal crypto mining operation is an attempt to engage the public in solving this issue. By incentivizing people to report illegal miners, the government hopes to quickly identify and shut down these operations, thereby reducing the overall electricity demand and stabilizing the power grid.

Efforts to Combat Illegal Activities

In addition to offering financial rewards, the Iranian government has been intensifying its efforts to crack down on illegal crypto mining and other unauthorized activities. Since 2022, intelligence services in Iran have targeted over 9,000 accounts linked to 454 individuals involved in illicit trading, according to reports. These efforts are part of a broader strategy to curb illegal activities that are contributing to the country’s economic and energy challenges.

The crackdown on illegal crypto mining is not just about protecting the power grid; it is also about ensuring that the country’s resources are used efficiently and legally. By eliminating unauthorized operations, the government hopes to make better use of its electricity and reduce the strain on the national infrastructure.

International Implications and Concerns

The issue of crypto mining in Iran has also drawn international attention, particularly from the United States. In May, U.S. senators Elizabeth Warren and Angus King called for an investigation into the potential connections between Iranian crypto mining and the circumvention of U.S. sanctions. They expressed concerns that the cryptocurrency mined in Iran could be used to fund terrorist groups like Hezbollah or support Iran’s military activities. These allegations have raised the stakes, making the issue not just a domestic concern but also an international one.

The possibility that illegal crypto mining could have broader geopolitical implications has put additional pressure on the Iranian government to address the problem. As the situation evolves, the international community will be closely monitoring Iran’s actions to see if they can effectively control illegal crypto mining and prevent any potential misuse of the mined cryptocurrency.

What the Future Holds

Iran’s decision to involve the public in reporting illegal crypto miners by offering monetary rewards marks a significant shift in how the government is tackling the power crisis. By empowering citizens to help identify unauthorized mining operations, the authorities hope to make significant progress in reducing electricity consumption and stabilizing the grid.

However, the success of this initiative will depend on several factors. First, it remains to be seen whether the public will actively participate in reporting illegal activities. Second, the government’s ability to respond quickly to these reports and shut down illegal operations will be crucial. If these conditions are met, Iran could see a reduction in power shortages and a more stable electricity supply in the coming months.

Moreover, the crackdown on illegal crypto mining could have long-term benefits for Iran. By reducing the number of unauthorized miners, the country could potentially free up significant amounts of electricity for legitimate uses, which would benefit both the economy and the general population.


The ongoing power crisis in Iran has forced the government to take decisive action, including offering financial rewards for reporting illegal crypto miners. This approach, while unconventional, could prove effective in addressing the immediate challenges facing the country’s power grid. As Iran continues to navigate this crisis, the success of these measures will be closely watched by both domestic and international observers. For more updates on this story and other developments in the world of cryptocurrency, keep following

Camila Santos

Camila Santos is a blockchain and cryptocurrency specialist with 9 years of experience in the field. Starting her career in the financial sector, Camila quickly became interested in the potential of blockchain to revolutionize finance. She has since been involved in several high-profile blockchain projects, including the development of decentralized platforms and financial products. Her expertise spans across blockchain governance, smart contracts, and the broader implications of blockchain for the global financial system. At DT NEWS, Camila provides readers with expert analysis and commentary on the latest developments in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries, ensuring they stay informed about key trends.

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